To all our Treasures friends…
We have been seeking the Lord as to how, and if, Treasures is to help orphans
and children in Haiti. As we searched for God’s will concerning our part, He
began to open doors.
Friends of ours, who have served in Russia with me several times, have built
an orphanage compound it Haiti. Having over 70 babies, with room for more, they
are ready to take in new orphans who lost their families in the recent
earthquake. The Children of the Promise Orphanage is 90 miles from
Port-au-Prince and survived the earthquake. They are not in need of water, as
they have a filtered water well. Soon, their food supply will be depleted,
especially with the influx of new orphans. They also have a great outreach
program to feed children in poor families, so that many children will not become
orphans. The need is great and will only increase.
Christian Alliance, in Pearland, is giving us 6000 units of Gerber baby food
- a Mixed Berry dessert. The vitamin C in the fruit is valuable, but reality is
they need a more complete diet. With your help, we hope to purchase the
following bulk items.
- Baby food – vegetables and meat
- Rice baby cereal
- Children’s cereal, pudding cups, and instant oatmeal
- Powdered milk for the toddlers
- Formula (Similac/Enfamil, Isomil/Pro-so-be, Lacto-free)
Children of the Promises’ friends in Minnesota are
paying for a shipping container to go to Haiti. They
will fill it as much as they can with other needs,
first. Then, the container will travel via Tallahassee
to Fort Lauderdale. Treasures’ plan is to rent a U-Haul
truck in Pearland and load up the donated baby food,
then on to Beaumont to load up your gifts of love. Once
loaded, we will head to Tallahassee, where we will
intercept them. The shipping container will then proceed
to Fort Lauderdale, where it will be shipped to Haiti.
We have 2 volunteers ready and willing to drive! God is
putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
The only cost that Treasures will incur is for the
bulk food we purchase and the transportation costs from
Pearland to Tallahassee.
We will be grateful for your assistance in whatever
capacity you afford.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Peace, joy, blessings!
Stephanie, Donna and Howard
Treasures of the Heart, Inc