To our surprise, an unexpected trip to Russia has materialized before our eyes. Two dedushkas (paw paws), Harold and Howard, and two babushkas (grandmas), Stephanie and Donna, are celebrating an early Christmas with the babies, Barskoe kids, the train station kids, and our big kids (our translators). Russia observes Christmas on January 7.

We’re making our list and checking it twice. The following lists some of the things we hope to provide. Due to the lack of baggage space, we will be purchasing gifts in Russia.

Barskoe Gorodische Orphanage

50 Girls and 50 Boys, 8 to 16 year olds:

  • Christmas dinner
  • Christmas decorations
  • Toys
  • Christmas stocking stuffers
  • Fruit
  • Christmas cake
  • Sleighs
  • Hats, gloves, and socks


Train Station Kids

Two Boys: Alex, 13 years old, Pasha 8 years old, one Girl, Katya 14 years old.

  • Christmas dinner
  • Christmas decorations
  • Toys
  • Christmas stocking stuffers
  • Fruit
  • Christmas cake
  • Two house "moms", both are in their 20's
Boys' Prison

100 boys, 8 to 14 years old

  • Toys
  • Fruit
  • Hats, gloves, and socks
  • Books
Dubovka Baby House

40 babies and 40 toddlers

  • Toys
  • Fruit
  • 10 sleighs that hold several toddlers
  • Vitaly, Alyona, and 18 month old Cristian
  • Max and Tanya
  • Losha, Katya, and 6 month old Vitaly
  • Oksana and 4 year old Marina
  • Ilya


Pastors and Doctors
  • Oleg, Marina, 2 1/2 year old Daniel and 6 month old baby, Faina
  • Pastor Victor, Anya, Rebecca, 9 years old, and Timothy, 10 years old
  • Dr. Sergei, Nadia, and 8 year old Nikita
  • Dr. Natalia, Uri, Leonid, 18 and Slava, 16
  • Dr. Elena, Igor, and Alina