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Solving Problems in Russia

The hospitals have no food for their patients, their families bring food from home.  Orphans have no one to bring them food.  Treasures provided the food so this child can have the surgery to correct his eyes and legs.  A small amount of money made a huge change in a child's life.
  1. They took us into the barn to see their "tractor", it looked like a pile of scrape metal.  We were able to provide them with a brand new tractor.  It has provided them the ability to haul wood in the snow and crops in the spring.
  2. Their shoes were one step from being bare foot.  Over the years we have supplied them with new boots each winter.
  3. The second story at Dubovka Baby House was not usable due to the condition of the stairs.  We purchased a tree, the only way to get lumber, had it cut and built stairs.
  4. These toilets were in the dorm, making it impossible for the kids to use the restroom at night.  They now have flushing toilets in each dorm!
  5. The sinks were non-functioning.  Now when we go, there is tooth paste on the sink!  What an improvement.

A few simple fixes improving the quality of life for these kids.

The Lord is calling Treasures to stand in the gap for these children.  God is providing the means to touch one child at the child's need.