Son Shkurin Eugene born 03.05.1990
Veronica N. Kondratieff born 06/11/2008
Living in the house is the mother, son, daughter and grandfather.
Svetlana is a single mother for the second child. She is on maternity
leave to care for the kid to 1,5 years. The eldest son, an adult,
student 3 course VlSU. Trained on a fee basis.
The family lives in a two-bedroom apartment, which is in common
ownership between family members. At framed housing subsidy, debts for
utilities not. The apartment is also home to the father Kondrateva SN
Family takes 1 room. Sanitary condition of the poor, requires
redecoration. There are furniture, there is an old computer, TV.
Currently, a renovation of the corridor.
The younger child is healthy. Currently 1,1 year. Child is dressed
modestly and neatly. Behind him is proper care. The eldest son is
healthy, learns. According to his mother, money for training trying to
earn himself a free time. Mother also helps with the payment.
According to his mother's family lives on maternity payments, assistance
from relatives (father's pension). Also Svetlana works as cleaner
informally for 1000 rubles. month, but not enough money for basic needs.
We can conclude that the family is currently poor, trapped in a
difficult situation because the mother can not yet meet the needs of
their families and therefore in need of financial assistance. |